

In consideration for the World Police and Fire Games Federation, a duly-authorized entity of the California Police Athletic Federation (the “Organizer“), and the 2019 World Police & Fire Games (the “Host“) granting me permission to participate in the 2019 World Police and Fire Games (the “Games“) conducted by the Organizer and the Host in and around Chengdu, China from 8th August 2019 through 18th August 2019, the undersigned, on behalf of his/her heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns agrees:

  1. Prior to participating in any event in the Games, I will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used by me during that event. If I believe there is a safety issue with either the equipment or the facilities, I will bring this matter to the immediate attention of the nearest official. If the safety issue is not resolved to my satisfaction, I will remove myself from participation in the event;
  2. I understand that I may be engaging in activities that involve risks of serious injury, including permanent disability and/or death; severe social and/or economic losses which might not only occur from my actions or omissions, but also from the negligent or intentional actions or omissions of others, from the rules of play and their application, from the condition of the premises and/or equipment, and from other sources known or unknown. I knowingly and freely assume all risks, both known and unknown, and accept any and all responsibility for my safety and welfare;
  3. To accept sole responsibility for any health and medical expenses from any physical or mental problem existing or occurring during the Games or resulting from any type of injury incurred by me during the Games. While the Host may provide to participants very limited first aid for an injury occurring during the participating event, I am solely responsible for the health and medical expenses as stated above. I further waive any right of confidentiality and agree to a complete release to Organizer and Host of all medical records, of any type, relating to the undersigned. The undersigned will also cooperate in any way necessary, including providing and signing additional documents, in order for the Organizer or Host to obtain my medical records.
  4. To fully release, discharge and hold harmless the Organizer, the Host, Chengdu, China and all other persons and entities, including but not limited to, sponsors, agencies, corporations, associates, staff, volunteers, providers of first aid and independent contractors, from any and all claims, actions, liabilities and causes of action, whether involving negligence or intentional actions or omissions which I and/or any of my heirs, successors, executors, administrators, agents or assigns may now have or which may accrue as a result of my voluntary participation in any of the sporting or non-sporting activities in connection with the Games.
  5. To indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Organizer, the Host, Chengdu, China and all other persons and entities associated in anyway therewith for any liability, demand, judgment, claim or suit, including reasonable costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with my acts or omissions or allegations thereof as a participant in any of the sporting or non-sporting activities related to or in connection with the Games;
  6. This "GENERAL RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER" is governed by the laws of the State of California, United States of America and the laws of Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. In the event there is a conflict between applicable law, the laws of California will be controlling. I acknowledge that I execute this "General Release of Liability and Waiver" freely and voluntarily, and do not rely on any inducements, promises or representations made by the aforementioned organizations or individuals involved in the Games, or of any person associated in any way with the Games.
  7. The undersigned grants the Organizer, Host and the Games the world-wide right to use (i) the undersigned's name, signature, photograph, voice or likeness and biographical information; (ii) filmed or taped footage, photography and integrated media of the Games and the undersigned to advertise or promote any sponsor of the Games association with the Organizer, Host and/or the Games or to promote the Games in all forms of marketing and advertising; and, (iii) data entered as part of the registration process in order to carry out post Games review and evaluation. (Individual athlete details will not be shared with any third party.) It is specifically understood that the undersigned is not hereby endorsing any sponsor's products.


  1. 競技に参加する前に、競技で使われる施設や道具を点検いたします。またもしそれらに問題があった場合はすぐに最寄りの競技オフィシャルに伝えます。もし安全の問題が満足できるレベルまで解決されなかった場合は競技参加を取りやめること。
  2. 競技に参加するにあたり、私は深刻な怪我を含めたリスク、例えば失明、死、深刻な社会的又は経済的な損失を含む活動に携わっているということを理解している。またそれらのリスクは自分自身の行動や怠慢からだけ発生するものでは無く、他者からの不注意や意図的な行動や怠慢によって起こる可能性がある事も含めて理解している。またそれは競技のルール、そしてそれに従った場合でも、会場や道具の問題からも、またはその他の知り得ている又は知り得ていない原因からも起こりうる事、また自分自身が安全に無事でいられる為の全ての責任は自分自身で負うことを理解しています。
  3. 競技中に存在している又は起こっているあらゆる精神的、肉体的問題に対して又はゲーム期間中に受けてしまったあらゆる種類の怪我から健康を維持する為の出費又は医療費の支払いが自分自身の責任である事を受け入れます。
  4. 私はオーガナイザー、ホスト、中華人民共和国、成都市、そしてスポンサー、エージェント、会社、連盟、スタッフ、ボランティア、応急処置をする担当者、そして独立した契約者を含んではいるがそれに限定されない上記に関わるすべての人々及び存在に対して、それが不注意や意図的な行動であったり又は怠慢を含んでいるかどうかに関わらず、私又は私の相続人、後継者、指定遺言執行者、管財人、代理人そして譲受人が現在持ちうる、或いはゲームに関係したスポーツ又はスポーツ以外の活動に自発的に参加する結果として発生しうるどんな又は全ての行動対しての要求、訴訟、法的責任の追求を完全に放棄し、それらに対して害を及ぼさない。
  5. オーガナイザー、ホスト、中華人民共和国、成都市、そして前記全てにおいて連想されるその他全ての人物又は存在は、大会参加者がゲームに関連したあらゆるスポーツ又は非スポーツ活動を通じて申し立てた法的責任、法律上の要求、判決、賠償要求、訴訟(それには合理的な実費と弁護士費用も含んでいる)に対して責任を免除され、また守られ、害を及ぼされないこと。
  6. この免責同意書はカリフォルニア州そしてアメリカ合衆国の法律に準じています。私はこの免責同意書に自らすすんで自発的に従い、前述の大会に深く関わる組織や個人又はゲームについてあらゆる面で連想されるどんな人間によってなされるあらゆる誘惑、約束、抗議をも信頼しないこと。
  7. 署名人はオーガナイザー、ホスト、そして大会に世界中で通用する以下の権利を与えること。



